Wellness Matters – participant input report
On October 12, 2016, Mayor Lisa Helps moderated a conversation between City of Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi and Khalil Shariff, CEO of Aga Khan Foundation Canada on Wellness Matters – A Dialogue on Connection, Belonging and the Power of Well-being at the Victoria Conference Centre. The conversation focused on what makes us happy, what makes us well, and what kinds of communities and connections do happy, well people create together? How we can create and nurture the habitat for happiness and well-being in our communities was explored.
Following the panel discussion, participants were provided the opportunity to ask questions, engage with one another, and share their thoughts on sounding boards.
Wellness Matters – A Dialogue on Connection, Belonging and the Power of Well-being was hosted by the Victoria Foundation with support from the City of Victoria, Canadian Club of Victoria, Canadian Diabetes Association, Downtown Victoria Business Association, Fort Properties Ltd., and Heart Pharmacy. Each of the community organizations works to increase the well-being of citizens and create community connection and belonging.
The following document features the transcribed participant input.