The Victoria Foundation has been the lead partner for Green Shield Canada’s Six 4 Six initiative in British Columbia since 2019, continuing to steward funding in the capital region to organizations that support oral and mental health.

The Application Process is Now Closed

The Victoria Foundation has been the lead partner for Green Shield Canada’s Six 4 Six initiative in British Columbia since 2019, continuing to steward funding in the capital region to organizations that support oral and mental health. This unique corporate collaboration prioritizes our joint goals of supporting better health among our most vulnerable residents.

Green Shield Canada “works to make it easier for people to live their healthiest lives” supported by a mission to “deliver meaningful solutions to improve health and well-being.” For more information about Green Shield Canada, please visit:

In 2019 and 2020, Victoria Foundation distributed over $112,000 to five local organizations for oral health initiatives including: a dental navigation position to support people pursuing oral health solutions, design of a new facility to support patients with special needs and extreme anxiety, emergency dental care for children and youth and others. Visit our 2019 page for a listing of past Green Shield grants awarded.

In spring 2021 another $136,500 was granted to support oral health in the Capital Region by providing vital and direct support to vulnerable people in need and to work toward better access to oral health care for all people.

Green Shield Canada and the Victoria Foundation aimed to balance immediate and emergent needs for oral health care in the community, while contributing to a larger goal of transformational change.

This Green Shield Canada funding call will support registered charities and other qualified donees in the capital region to enable a wide range of initiatives that address oral health issues including:

    • Vital and direct support to vulnerable people in need of oral health care
    • Sustaining or rebuilding the capacity of organizations that have been adversely impacted by Covid-19 and provide oral health care to vulnerable people
    • Working toward system-wide improvement to support better access to oral health care for all people including advocacy for access to oral health care for vulnerable people and collaboration


Contact Tanya Chassé, Strategic Initiatives Associate