Getting started is easy.
Decide when you want to donate.
- Donate immediately to an existing fund, including one of our Community Action Funds.
- Set up a new endowment fund immediately, and begin giving grants right away.
- Set up a new endowment, but contribute funds over time until you have enough to begin granting.
- Give later through your estate. You can set up everything now to ensure your wishes will be met and be eligible to be part of the Victoria Circle.
Choose how you would like to be involved.
- Give a specific gift, or gifts, to one or more existing funds in a one-time donation.
- Set up a Donor Advised Fund. You will be able to make grants to any registered Canadian charity, and have the option to change your wishes at any time.
- Contribute to an existing Designated Fund, or create a new one. Your chosen charities will be granted to in perpetuity.
Determine what you want to donate and what method to use.