Indigenous-led grant to support local Nations and Indigenous organizations

The Indigenous Granting Advisory Pilot is an Indigenous-led granting initiative begun in late 2022. The Advisory guides the development of this Indigenous granting process, completes application reviews, and makes granting recommendations for the Indigenous Priorities Fund. The purpose of this Fund is to support social, cultural, and legal infrastructure for Indigenous communities in the capital region.

The Advisory is made up of Indigenous people living in the capital region. Their main objectives for this grant call are to 1) develop a granting approach that better reflects Indigenous values and priorities, and 2) to review applications and make granting recommendations to the Victoria Foundation’s Board of Directors.

This collaboration builds on the Victoria Foundation’s ongoing relationship with Indigenous communities and on the recommendations of the Foundation’s Reconciliation Task Group.

Support the Indigenous Priorities Granting Initiative

Funding for grants from the Indigenous Priorities Fund is made possible through several of the Foundation’s Community Action Funds and discretionary funds, and additional gifts from donors with a special interest in supporting Indigenous communities.

To support this fund, you can donate online or contact the Victoria Foundation’s donor services team.

Support the Fund Email 250-381-5532

Eagle Carving by Carey Newman and gifted to the Victoria Foundation.

Indigenous Granting Advisory Guiding Values


  • Good mind and good heart.

  • Work and collaborate in a good way.

  • Rethink ways of doing, especially around granting.

  • Walk and learn with humility.

  • Be reflective.

  • Be proactive and responsive.

Over $681,000 granted to support local Nations and Indigenous organizations in 2024

The Indigenous Priorities Fund granted $681,656 to 21 applicants, including six Nations and 15 other applicants, in 2024. The funding was made possible through several of the Foundation’s Community Action Funds and discretionary funds, and additional gifts from donors with a special interest in supporting Indigenous communities. 

Granting priority was given to the following applications (in this order): 

  1. Nations
  2. Indigenous-led organizations
  3. Organizations that are not Indigenous led but that offer Indigenous-serving programs

Applicants were all based within the capital region and the benefits of their initiatives all serve Indigenous people living in this region. Please review this map: First Nations with Traditional Territories in the CRD. 

For information about the 2024 program timeline, grant amounts, and eligibility, please review the program guidelines.  

2024 Program Guidelines Press Release

2024 Grant Recipients

2024 Grant Recipients Initiative Summary Funded Amount
Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness Society  To provide longer-term up to three years of housing with Indigenous culture based treatment services for those in recovery from addiction after leaving initial treatment programs.  $4,500.00 
Camosun College and the Empowering Indigenous People in Trades Program.  Support for the Empowering Indigenous People in Trades program which removes barriers and offers support services for Indigenous people in trade programs at Camosun.   $25,000.00 
Sport BC & Ultimate Spirit with W?SÁNE? School Board  Provide successful Ultimate Spirit sports program and leadership training to W?SÁNE? Secondary School students.  $25,000.00 
Esquimalt Nation  Support an Education Manager/Liasion position to bridge the gap between cultural needs of young people and the broader education system.  $50,000.00 
Human-Nature Counselling Society  After-school nature-based therapy program for Indigenous youth in partnership with Songhees Nation and Pauquachin Nation.   $50,000.00 
Oasis Society For The Spiritual Health Of Victoria  Provide Indigenous-informed care and support to unhoused Indigenous people in the region.   $25,000.00 
Pauquachin First Nation  Sea Garden Gathering and Restoration Project for Nation members centring on Indigenous knowledge and practices to restore sea gardens for traditional food harvesting and increased food security.  $50,000.00 
PEERS Victoria Resources Society and QomQem  QomQem addresses the need for Indigenous-led, culturally informed support for unhoused Indigenous people facing substance use through Elder-led recovery groups and healing practices.  $25,000.00 
Reciprocity Trusts Society with Smokehouse Foundation  Increase participation in Reciprocity Trust’s reconciliation program.  The program supports homes and businesses in Capital Regional District to pay 1% of rent/mortgage to 10 beneficiary Nations in the region.  $22,500.00 
Songhees Nation  Support establishment of Economic Development office to build long-term economic sustainability and empowerment  for Nation.  $50,000.00 
The Board Of Education Of School District No. 61 (Greater Victoria)  Purchase books and resources for Craigflower Elementary Library that reflect Indigenous voices and stories. School population is 48% Indigenous.  $4,000.00 
The Farmlands Trust (Greater Victoria) Society  Support ‘Field to Plate’ initiative at Newman Farm to donate 10,000+ lbs of fresh food directly to local Nations and Indigenous organizations.   $25,000.00 
The Literacy Circle Society  Provide a safe space for literacy training to Indigenous Elders and adults, residential/day school survivors and intergenerational trauma survivors.   $15,000.00 
Tsartlip First Nation  Support the Nation to conduct a “Compensation Review for Nation office staff” and share with others to set regional benchmark.   $19,556.20 
Tsawout First Nation  As part of their funding from BC Builds and BC Housing, Nation is required to establish an Indigenous Housing Authority to support affordable housing units for Nation members.   $50,000.00 
T’Sou-ke Nation  Support the purchase of a transportation vehicle to support Elders, families, youth, and children in accessing services, programs and cultural events across both reserve lands.  $50,000.00 
Victoria Community Food Hub Society & W?SÁNE? Nations  Support the work of the Indigenous Food Network, who are committed to cultural preservation, collaboration, and the strengthening Indigenous food sovereignty with all W?SÁNE? nations.   $50,000.00 
Victoria Independent Film & Video Festival  Showcase Indigenous-produced film and videos celebrating Indigenous stories and experiences at the Festival and provide workshops for local Indigenous filmmakers and storytellers.   $16,100.00 
Victoria Native Friendship Centre  Support expansion of training program developed and facilitated by local nations to support cultural competency for non-Indigenous community members and organizations serving Indigenous Peoples including government and Island Health.  $25,000.00 
Victoria Sexual Assault Centre Society & the Indigenous Response Network  Build on work of the Indigenous Response Network (IRN) to better serve Indigenous people surviving gender-based violence.  $50,000.00 
University of Victoria  & Songhees Nation Education team.  University of Victoria tutors will expand services to support Songhees Nation youth including hiring additional tutors and extending services into the summer months, in collaboration with the Songhees Director of Education.  $50,000.00 

Family-Friendly Open Houses

During Fall 2024, the Indigenous Granting Advisory and Victoria Foundation staff held two family-friendly open houses for Nations and organizations interested to learn about the Indigenous Priorities Fund and how to apply for grant opportunities. One open house was held at the Pauquachin Community Hall, the other on Songhees and Esquimalt land.

Attendees met with the community, enjoyed good food, and young family members got creative with art activities. Victoria Foundation staff were available to discuss grant ideas, answer questions about the granting process, and help attendees fill out applications online or orally.

Past Grant Recipients

Four local Nations and 13 other applicants have received funding in 2023 to support social, cultural, and legal infrastructure for Indigenous communities in the capital region.

The original amount of funding available was $300,000, but additional funding was secured from year-end donors wanting to support the pilot’s goals. Funding from the Vibrant & Caring Community Action Fund, Food Security Community Action Fund, and donor advised funds resulted in a total of $506,000 available to grant.

  • 2023 Indigenous Priorities Fund Grant Recipients
    Grantee Organization Name Description of Project  Grant Amount 
    Esquimalt Nation Hire an employment/education navigator to support Nation members in attaining their personal, educational and employment goals. $38,598.00 
    Songhees Nation Purchase traditional cedar canoes to for Nation transportation and cultural activities. $38,598.00
    Sc’ianew (Beecher Bay) First Nation Renovate and repair the Nation’s Big House for community events and gatherings. $38,598.00 
    Tsawout First Nation Purchase a van to support Nation members needing transportation support for appointments, cultural events and programs, and accessing community services, including food delivery to members in need. $38,598.00 
    Mayne Island Conservancy Society +W?SÁNE? Leadership Council (with
    Tsartlip engagement and support)
    Control the destructive fallow (non-indigenous) deer population with Tsartlip hunters following Indigenous hunting practices and ceremony on S??A? /Mayne Island and restoring ecological balance and providing food for Nation’s food security programs.  $38,598.00 
    Victoria Sexual Assault Centre + Surrounded by Cedar, Aunty Collective and nation participation including W?SÁNE?, Songhees, Tsartlip, Sc’ianew (Beecher Bay), Tsawout through Elders and representatives Maintain and continue the collaborative work of the Indigenous Response Network who work together to develop culturally appropriate care and support initiatives for Indigenous people in the region facing gender-based violence. $50,000.00 
    University of Victoria + Songhees Nation  Expand UVic Centre for Outreach Education (CORE) tutoring services to 4 to 5 days a week with 4-5 tutors each day at the request of Songhees Nation After School Care program to meet significant increase in demand. $50,000.00 
    BC Amateur Sport Fund (applying for W?SÁNE? School Board and BC Ultimate) Expand successful Ultimate Spirit programming with local Indigenous youth attending W?SÁNE? Secondary School to build leadership, physical health, and mentorship opportunities. $48,510.00 
    Peers Victoria Resources Society / QomQem Coastal Connections  Maintain cultural programming and expand cultural services for folks living unhoused, precariously housed or using substances in Lekwungen territories. Includes training for peer workers. $25,000.00 
    Michif Language Revitalization Circle Society Métis participants are connected with a community of Michif Language Learners to speak Michif regularly through both in-person and digital programs. $25,000.00 
    Stqeeye’ Learning Society Hire communications/site coordinator to support the organization with multi-pronged work (traditional land-based education, curriculum development, restoration and food sovereignty, and infrastructure). $25,000.00 
    Oasis Society for the Spiritual Health of Victoria Support for paying a staff member and the purchase of capital equipment to enhance the delivery of culturally resonate Integrated Recovery and Holistic Healing program for those living unhoused and/or in poverty in downtown region. $25,000.00
    Surrounded by Cedar Child and Family Services Society Renovate already existing space to provide a gathering place for urban Indigenous youth to practice culture, learn to cook with traditional foods, and have a place to gather as a community with support staff and mentorship. $25,000.00 
    Island Métis Family & Community Services Society Community kitchen program empowers Métis youth, fosters resilience, and provides peer community gathering space to share meals, by educating them on health, nutrition and traditional diet including cooking and knife skills training for which they receive a certificate to aid in securing work in hospitality sector. $20,000.00
    The Literacy Circle Society + Victoria Native Friendship Centre Provides a safe and respectful space for literacy learning for Indigenous elders and adults, residential and day school survivors and intergenerational survivors. New pilot in Victoria based on successful program in Nanaimo. $10,000.00 
    Take a Hike Youth Mental Health Foundation Project addresses the need for well-being, belonging and connectedness among both Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth. Provides opportunities for Indigenous youth participants to connect with the culture and community of local nations, while offering non-Indigenous youth opportunities to learn from Indigenous leaders and build connection to place. $6,500.00
    Bike Victoria Society Partner with the Songhees Wellness Centre to develop and deliver custom bike education courses for Songhees youth to address the barriers they face to cycling. $3,000.00

The Victoria Foundation acknowledges with respect the Lekwungen speaking people of the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations on whose traditional lands our offices are located


If you have questions about the application process, please contact Sushil Saini, Manager Strategic Initiatives, at