Helping to build community and strengthen connections right where people live – in their neighbourhood


Do you have a great idea for your community? Through the Neighbourhood Small Grants (NSG) program, grants of up to $500 are available for people to lead a project in their neighbourhood. Examples of past projects include multicultural events, block parties, community gardens, and skill-sharing workshops.

Applications are open for Victoria as well as Other Communities on Vancouver Island and Southern Gulf Islands.

NSG Terms & Conditions | Victoria Neighbourhood Stream | Other Communities

How it works

  • Individuals complete and submit an online application.
  • Projects are reviewed and grant decisions are made by a local committee shortly after the application portal closes.
  • Successful applicants receive a cheque for up to $500 and lead a project between November 2024 and March 2025.
  • Project leaders come together at the end of the cycle to celebrate!

Neighbourhood Small Grants Cohort

Neighbourhood Small Grants painting activity

Neighbourhood Small Grant Guidelines

  • Who do we fund?

    The Neighbourhood Small Grants program is open to anyone living in two geographically-defined areas:

    Victoria – core neighbourhoods of Quadra Village, Oaklands, Burnside Gorge and North Park (applications from other CRD areas including Saanich, and Esquimalt will be considered if funding allows). Youth-led projects are encouraged.

    Other Communities – Vancouver Island and Gulf Island communities that don’t have a local NSG program including Westshore, Sooke, Sidney, Duncan/Cowichan, Bamfield, Port Alberni and the Southern Gulf Islands (other than Salt Spring – their local program runs in spring).

  • What do we fund?

    Neighbourhood Small Grants are awarded to projects that meet one or more of the following goals:

    1. Connect and engage neighbours
      Examples: Block parties or emergency preparedness planning sessions
    2. Sharing skills and knowledge within the neighbourhood community
      Examples: A free yoga lesson for the community or a virtual community kitchen where neighbours share their cooking skills
    3. Build a sense of belonging and connection
      Examples: An Indigenous plant walking tour led by an Elder or or neighbourhood clean-up
    4. Respect and celebrate diversity
      Examples: A multicultural fashion show, a storytelling project that involves seniors and youth, or an online acrylic painting workshop open to all ages and skill levels

    Applications must also meet the following criteria:

    1. Projects can be in-person or virtual (or both) but they must involve your neighbours.
    2. An applicant can apply for more than one Neighbourhood Small Grants project per year. Previous projects must be completed and reports submitted before applying again.
    3. Your project must be free, accessible and welcoming to all. You may not charge entrance fees, request donations, or fundraise for other projects and/or organizations.
    4. Your project must begin after the grant decision is made. Projects are not supported retroactively.
    5. Preference will be given to new projects or those that have been funded for fewer than three years in a row. While some projects may continue year-round, it is expected that your project will be completed by March 31, 2025.
  • What we don’t fund?
    • Projects where you are charging entrance fees, requesting donations, or fundraising for other projects.
    • Projects where you profit financially.
    • Organizations or businesses (these grants are specifically for individuals).
    • Except for community gardens, projects involving infrastructure building or upgrading or purchasing of large equipment such as computers are not eligible.
    • Projects involving therapy and counseling support.
  • Project Considerations

    Public Events

    If your project is going to take place on neighbourhood streets, parks or other public places, please consider:

    • Projects must follow municipal by-laws.
    • You must obtain appropriate permits and liability insurance prior to your project start date. Please contact your NSG Coordinator, for details.


    Please consider the following when calculating your project budget:

    • Grant requests must be under $500.
    • Grant money may be used to pay people for services (also called honorariums) to help with the project. An example may be a carpenter or face painter. Total honorarium(s) may not be more than $350 per project.
    • When creating a project budget, you should determine the actual cost of items to be used, and think resourcefully about how to obtain materials through borrowing or donations.
    • You are responsible for keeping expense receipts to account for all project costs.
  • How do we assess applications?

    Grant decisions are made by community members living in your neighbourhood. The Neighbourhood Small Grants Committee, made up of neighbourhood volunteers from diverse backgrounds and life experiences, reviews applications and decides which projects to fund. Many Committee members are former Neighbourhood Small Grants project leaders.

    If you would like to get involved in the Neighbourhood Small Grants Committee for Victoria, please contact Alison Cartan, NSG Coordinator. If you are from another area and would like to get involved with the Committee for Other Communities, please contact Tanya Chassé, Manager, Leadership Initiatives at the Victoria Foundation.

  • How to Apply

    Applying for a Neighbourhood Small Grant is easy via our online application system. Note that the online application system is through our partner, the Vancouver Foundation: you will be forwarded to the Vancouver Foundation’s website to complete and submit your application.

    Applications are submitted through the same portal – you will choose the stream.

    Once you apply, you will receive an email confirming your application has been received. You will hear back regarding the status of your application within four weeks of the application deadline. Projects must be completed by March 31, 2025.

    Application questions and the Terms of Reference for the grant can be reviewed here.

  • Community Partners

    Vancouver Foundation

    • The Vancouver Foundation is Canada’s largest community foundation, working throughout British Columbia to harness the gifts of ideas, money, time and energy to build a lasting legacy of healthy, vibrant and livable communities. A co-funder of Victoria’s Neighbourhood Small Grants program, the Vancouver Foundation provides support and guidance to Neighbourhood Small Grants programs in 17 communities across the province.

    Twitter: @Vancouverfdn
    Facebook: @VancouverFdn

    Quadra Village Community Centre

    • The Quadra Village Community Centre is a safe and welcoming gathering place that has served the vibrant and diverse neighbourhood of Hillside Quadra since 1974. The Centre works to nurture community well-being by providing services and programs to meet the social, educational, health, employment, environmental and recreational needs of people in the heart of the city.

    Twitter: @QuadraVillage
    Facebook: @QuadraVillage

    Burnside Gorge Community Association

    • The Burnside Gorge Community Association provides a continuum of high quality programs and supports that strengthen the lives of children, youth and families throughout the Capital Region. Programming includes a range of childcare programs for ages 3.5 to 11 years; a range of community and school-based youth and family services; housing and asset development supports for youth and families; community recreation and special events for all ages; and a variety of community development initiatives.

    Twitter: @burnsidegorge
    Facebook: @burnsidegorgecommunityassociation

    Oaklands Community Association

    • The Oaklands Community Association operates the Oaklands Community Centre and the Oaklands Neighbourhood House. Their vision is to provide a welcoming, engaging, sustainable community where all members can live, learn and thrive. They offer farmers’ markets, recreation and fitness programs, community learning and social events, and a variety of child and youth programs including a child care centre.

    Twitter: @OaklandsCC
    Facebook: @oaklandscommunityassociation


    North Park Neighbourhood Association

    • The North Park Neighbourhood Association is a non-profit society that plays an active role in improving the quality of life of people in this downtown neighbourhood. With the support of the City of Victoria and many wonderful volunteers, this Association provides monthly meetings at which individuals can voice views about community matters, and operates sub-committees, including around land use, events, and public art.

    Twitter: @WeAreNorthPark
    Instagram: @WeAreNorthPark

For more information about how to apply, please visit Please also visit the NSG Website for application resources and general information about the program.

Contact Information


Other Communities
Tanya Chassé