Our commitment to excellence in governance.

The Victoria Foundation’s Board of Directors has a continuing commitment to ensure the establishment and periodic updating of policies to provide the framework for the management and operation of the Foundation. Victoria Foundation was one of 17 organizations in Canada that received accreditation in the pilot phase (2012) of Imagine Canada’s new Standards Program – a “trustmark” of approval for our business practices in responsible self-governance, budget transparency and ethical fundraising that we’ve maintained ever since.

If you have any questions about any of these policies or require any further information, please contact:

Sandra Richardson, CEO
250-381-5532 ext. 223 • sandra@victoriafoundation.bc.ca


Brin Morgan, Senior Director, Governance and Executive Operations
250-381-5532 ext. 237 • bmorgan@victoriafoundation.bc.ca

  • Administration Fee Policy

    The purpose of the Administrative Fee Policy is to provide a framework for the administrative management of funds held at the Victoria Foundation.

    The Victoria Foundation will charge fees from time to time based on the fund balance for all funds other than pass-through funds. Fees will vary depending on the type of fund and the services required. The fee is an annual fee, calculated and paid monthly on the market value of the fund.

  • Complaints Policy

    The Victoria Foundation is committed to providing the highest level of professional service to its donors, grant recipients, stakeholders and the community it serves. The Foundation values its reputation in the community and takes great pride in our contributions to the community.

    If you have a complaint regarding the actions of the Victoria Foundation and/or one of its board members, committee members, volunteers or staff, we encourage you to review our Complaints Policy and call our CEO to discuss your concerns.

  • Distribution Policy

    The Distribution Policy provides a framework for the management of granting from endowment funds held in the Common Trust Fund, including the process of determining the annual distribution percentage to be applied to endowment funds for granting purposes.

    This Distribution Policy does not apply to endowment funds subject to written agreements with certain fund holders setting out alternative distribution requirements and arrangements.

  • Gift Acceptance and Disclosure Policy

    The Foundation is a vehicle through which a donor can support the community. The Gift Acceptance Policy is designed to provide guidance to the public to facilitate the gift giving process. It clarifies the mission of the Foundation and, along with any specific fund arrangement, the roles, responsibilities and expectations of both the Foundation and its donors.

  • Income Tax Receipting Policy and Guidelines

    The Income Tax Receipting Policy and Guidelines provides the framework for the tax receipting of charitable gifts to the Victoria Foundation in compliance with the provisions of the Canada Income Tax Act.

  • Investment Policy

    The Investment Policy provides a framework for the management of the Common Trust Fund within levels of risk acceptable to the Victoria Foundation Board of Directors, sets out  guidelines for management of the Common Trust Fund’s assets and assigns responsibilities for the achievement of the defined objectives.

    This Investment Policy does not apply to the investment of funds subject to written agreements with certain fund holders setting out alternative investment requirements and arrangements.

  • Privacy Policy

    The Victoria Foundation recognizes the value of its relationships with potential donors, existing donors, volunteers, and employees, and is committed to respecting and protecting their personal information. We value the trust of those we deal with, and of the public, and recognize that maintaining this trust requires transparency and accountability in our treatment of the personal information that is entrusted to us. The Privacy Policy adheres to the ten principles that comprise the Canadian Standards Association Model Privacy Code which forms the basis for Canadian privacy legislation.

  • Conflict of Interest Policy

    Integrity is a core value of the Victoria Foundation and all actions of the Board of Directors are founded on the principle of ethical leadership. Part of ethical leadership is the avoidance and disclosure of any conflict. Having a potential conflict of interest is not in itself cause for concern. Disclosure protects both the individual director and the Victoria Foundation from charges of unethical behaviour or improper decision-making. Where applicable, this policy also applies to (non-board member) volunteers who are serving on a committee with board-delegated powers or in any other capacity that might give rise to a conflict of interest. The Conflict of Interest Policy has been adopted in this context.