An online fund management tool for fund holders to view balances and statements, make grant recommendations and review fund history.

Need help? Browse through the FAQs below, or contact us at 250.381.5532 or (support available Monday to Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm PST).


  • I cannot locate my welcome email, what should I do?

    Please contact us at at 250.381.5532 or (support available Monday to Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm PST). We will resend the email and walk you through the process.

  • The program will not save my new Blackbaud ID and password, what should I do?

    Please contact us at at 250.381.5532 or (support available Monday to Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm PST). We will create a temporary password and walk you through the confirmation process.

  • What browsers are supported by DonorCentral?

    The DonorCentral platform supports the following browsers:

    • Chrome (Windows, Mac, and Android)
    • Firefox (both Windows and Mac)
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Mobile Safari (iOS)
    • Safari (Mac)

    Note: Your browser must accept cookies and have JavaScript enabled.

  • How do I log out of DonorCentral?

    From a Desktop: on the top right-hand side of the screen, you will see your initials (to the left of the green “?” mark). Click on the initials menu and select “Sign Out” at the bottom.

    From a mobile device: click on the gear wheel on the top right corner of your screen. A drop-down box will appear and that will give you the option to sign out

  • When will my recent gifts appear on DonorCentral?

    Gifts are typically posted to DonorCentral within two weeks after being received by the Victoria Foundation.

  • I made a gift through CanadaHelps. Why can I not see it on DonorCentral?

    Gifts made through Canada Helps are received by the Victoria Foundation on a weekly basis. It can take one to two weeks for the gift to be posted to DonorCentral.

  • Why do gifts appear under only one name when it was a joint gift?

    In order to give individual access to DonorCentral, each donor will now have their own record in our database. When looking at the snapshot of gift history for their fund, couples may notice that historical data now shows gifts in the name of one partner only. Please be assured that this does not affect past receipting or our internal record of the initial donor(s).

    Future receipts will only be issued in one name and will show under that name on the fund history in DonorCentral. As per Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, such receipts may be claimed by either partner.

  • How can I tell if a gift was made to the capital or pass-through balance of my fund?

    The gift listing displays all gifts, whether made to the capital of the Fund or for pass-through granting purposes. Contact the Philanthropic Services team at for a breakdown of gifts to the capital or for pass-through granting

  • Why am I unable to make grant recommendations from my fund?

    Likely because you have been given DonorCentral Level 2 permissions (View-Only) based on the fund type. Grants from this fund are likely set up on a scheduled basis – such as Hosted Organization and Designated – or the fund is emerging and has not yet reached the $10,000 market value level needed to start granting. Contact the Philanthropic Services team at for more information.

  • Is the market value on the fund page accurate?

    This market value reflects an approximate value and may not include prior months’ investment returns. Market values as of a specific date can be found on the Market Value tab or on the
    fund statements.

  • Is the spendable amount on the fund page accurate?

    The spendable balance takes into account all recommendations that have been submitted, including those that have yet to be approved by the Victoria Foundation Board of Directors. Saved recommendations are not deducted from the balance until they are submitted by you. Gifts are usually visible on DonorCentral the day after they are posted.

  • What is the monthly due date for submitting a grant recommendation?

    Recommendations must be submitted by the 10th of each month. Grants are reviewed by the Victoria Foundation Board of Directors monthly. Payment to the grant recipient is made within 10 days of Board approval.

  • When are new fund statements posted to DonorCentral?

    Fund statements for Donor Advised Funds are produced and posted to DonorCentral twice a year: February (representing year-end balances to December 31st) and August (representing mid-year balances to June 30th).

    Fund statements for Designated and Discretionary Funds are produced and posted to DonorCentral once a year in February (representing year-end balances to December 31st).

    Fund statements for Hosted Organization Funds are produced and posted to DonorCentral quarterly in February, April, July, and October.