New REES Location Grand Opening!

Victoria Cool Aid Society’s REES Program – Resources, Education, Employment & Support – was started in 1999 by people living with mental illness. Their approach is based on the idea that people who have mental illness and addictions can make valuable contributions to the system that supports them. They use a co-operative, recovery-based approach to help reduce the isolation from community, friends and family that is often a result of mental illness and addictions. The program operates in partnership with families and professionals to enhance the lives of people with menal illness or addictions.

As many of you know, after experiencing a ceiling collapse in the REES Office at 707 Johnson Street last month, the REES doors have  re-opened at a temporary location at 823 Broughton Street.

We are very pleased that REES is back on their feet. They are welcoming clients, volunteers, supporters and new neighbours to join them on Wednesday, August 3rd from 10am to 12 noon for coffee and snacks and to check out the new space!

Please feel free to post and distribute throughout the community – the more the merrier!

Click here to view the REES invitation poster!

Click here to view the map to their new location.