Aboriginal Literacy and Parenting Skills Training

Daphne Raymond, M.Ed. is Children and Family Services Program Manager at the Sooke Family Resource Society. She provided this summary of their Aboriginal Literacy and Parenting Skills Training that ran in May 2014.

The training opportunity funded by the Victoria Foundation on May 7-9, 2014, in the area of family literacy and parenting skills provided the participants with invaluable lessons to pass on to our program participants and colleagues. Through this training event, five agencies came together to share knowledge and experiences with the facilitators and we were able to take away concrete skills to apply to not only new initiatives, but in the programs we are currently running. Although the focus of this training was on clients with Aboriginal descent, the skills are applicable to any of the cultures here in our communities.

A welcome additional benefit of this training opportunity was the ability to network and connect with individuals from other agencies who are doing some of the same frontline work. Making these connections is invaluable to front line staff in order to better refer our clients who may need additional services.

Sooke Family Resource Society

Sooke Family Resource Society

Sooke Family Resource Society