Please check our website in late March 2021 for more information on upcoming grant opportunities.

If you have questions regarding the application process, please contact us at 250-381-5532 or via email. If you have already received a Community Grant and need to submit your Final Report, please review our Granting Resources page.

We also encourage you to keep up to date on other funding opportunities in the context of COVID-19, that are available in the region by exploring the Greater Victoria Community Funding Opportunities page.

Community Grant Guidelines

  • Who do we fund?

    To be eligible for a Community Grant, you must:

    • Be in good standing as a federally-registered charity or other qualified donee with the Canada Revenue Agency.
    • Have met all reporting requirements if you have had other grants from Victoria Foundation:
      • Project activities must be completed.
      • All received funds must be spent prior to submitting your final report.
      • Your final report must be submitted.
    • Be located within the Capital Regional District (CRD). Projects located outside the CRD on Vancouver Island or in Powell River may be eligible if you provide employment or education for adults with developmental disabilities.
  • What do we fund?

    Full descriptions of all projects funded in recent years are available on our Grants page. Applications for the Community Grants program must be aligned with one of Victoria Foundation’s five Fields of Interest:

    • Arts, Culture and Heritage
    • Community Services
    • Education
    • Environment
    • Health and Recreation

    All applications must address at least one of Victoria Foundation’s Vital Signs Issue Areas identified in our Victoria’s Vital Signs® report:

    • Arts and Culture
    • Belonging and Engagement
    • Economy
    • Environmental Sustainability
    • Getting Started
    • Health and Wellness
    • Housing
    • Learning
    • Safety
    • Sports and Recreation
    • Standard of Living
    • Transportation

    We will give added consideration to qualified and experienced organizations whose application has a direct impact on one of our current 3-year strategic priorities:

    • Food Security
    • Homelessness

    Please note: Charitable tax laws require applicants to be the principal in any partnership making application to the Community Grants program. Applications where an applicant is only acting as a fiscal agent for other organizations or groups will not be funded. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the delivery of the project and use of funds remains consistent with the Canada Revenue Agency regulations regarding charities.

  • What we don’t fund

    The Victoria Foundation DOES NOT offer Community Grants for:

    • General fundraising campaign contributions
    • Sponsorships
    • Capital campaigns (e.g. for new buildings, monuments or playgrounds)
    • Deficit reduction (e.g. debts or loans)
    • Expenses incurred before the date of grant approval
    • Religious activities or services
    • Political activity that is prohibited by the Canada Revenue Agency
    • Sports teams or club sponsorships, except for sport development
    • Current curricula for schools or post-secondary institutions
    • Fees for professional performers or guest artists
    • Support for named individuals or for their travel
  • Grant Streams

    Victoria Foundation has three streams within the Community Grants program:

    • Focus Grants
    • Vital Grants
    • Collaboration Grants

    Each of these three streams has special guidelines. You can find all the information you need to know about each of the streams in the guidelines, linked below. Please note: applicants may only submit one application to the Community Grants program each year.

    Focus Grants

    These grants may be used to develop projects at the idea stage, pilot a project that addresses one or more Vital Signs Issue Areas, or support initial collaboration with community partners. Focus Grants may also be used for a capital project, or to support or strengthen an existing effective project or program.

    Vital Grants

    These grants support evidence-based projects or programs that address one or more Vital Signs Issue Area. In general, Vital Grants support proposals to expand, replicate or adapt an existing proven project or program. Vital Grants also support the development of regional collaborations with community partners.

    Collaboration Grants

    By approval
    You may be approved to apply for this grant if your organization is working across sectors to address long-term regional change in more than one Vital Signs Issue Area.

    For more information on the process, please contact us at or 250.381.5532

    Successful applicants work closely with Foundation staff throughout the term of the grant.

  • How do we assess applications?

    In general, the Victoria Foundation seeks applications that demonstrate the following:

    • Strength of organization
    • Evidence of need
    • Community impact
    • Project feasibility
  • How to Apply

    All Community Grant applications follow the same three-step process:

    Before you apply, create an online account to access Victoria Foundation’s online granting portal. You will use your organization’s Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) charitable registration number as your user name. If you are not a registered charity, but a qualified donee, please contact grants staff for more information.

    Eligibility Self-Assessment
    After you register, you will have access to the online eligibility assessment which must be completed to determine if you meet the Victoria Foundation’s eligibility requirements.

    If you are eligible, you will receive access to the full online application form. Paper or email applications are not accepted.

    All submitted materials become the property of Victoria Foundation. By submitting an application, you consent to and acknowledge that Victoria Foundation may share information about your application and/or your organization on our website and with media, our staff, donors, and subject-matter experts.

    What happens after I submit my application?

    • Staff may contact you to discuss your application or to set up a site visit
    • All grants are approved by the Board of Directors
    • By mid-June, you will receive a letter notifying you if your grant request was approved or denied

    Please note: Grants are provided on the basis of:

    • The availability of funds
    • How well the proposed project aligns with our grant guidelines

    Please check our website in late March 2021 for more information on upcoming grant opportunities

Community Grant Highlights

For 2019, the Victoria Foundation approved $2,815,287 to 109 charities in the Capital Region.

2019 Community Grants
2018 Community Grants
2017 Community Grants
2016 Community Grants
2015 Community Grants
2014 Community Grants

Contact Information
