Victoria Foundation celebrates Random Acts of Kindness Day this Friday

Victoria, B.C. – Help spread kindness across Greater Victoria this Friday, February 17 for Random Acts of Kindness Day (RAK Day). Kindness is a constant in our community, but this special day helps build a movement of kindness that extends year-round.

RAK Day encourages community members to do something nice for someone and ask for nothing in return, except that they “pay it forward” with an act of kindness. The act doesn’t have to be big or expensive, it should spread kindness in your community.

“Kindness has the power to pick us up in difficult times,” says Sandra Richardson, CEO of the Victoria Foundation. “Random Acts of Kindness Day illustrates how one act of kindness can create a ripple effect of positivity throughout our community.”

The Victoria Foundation first marked Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Day in 2015, and since then has encouraged Vancouver Island businesses, non-profits, governments, families and community members to take part.

To get children involved, the Foundation hosts an annual colouring contest for kids, in partnership with Black Press Media. Children 12 and under are invited to colour an image found in their local Black Press paper or on the Foundation’s website. Participants are encouraged to send in their finished page for a chance to win one of six $50 gift cards to a local business alongside a $100 donation made in their name to the registered charity of their choice.

To help spread kindness in the community, all submitted colouring sheets will be displayed in the Greater Victoria Public Library’s (GVPL) Central Branch and visible outside as you enter the courtyard. They will also be sent to local long term care homes. The Victoria Foundation is excited to see community partners embracing this special day, including the GVPL.

“I am so pleased that the Greater Victoria Public Library is partnering with the Victoria Foundation for this year’s Random Acts of Kindness Day,” said Maureen Sawa, CEO of the Greater Victoria Public Library. “Public libraries have always been regarded as important community hubs, and we are excited to support this important day to spread kindness in our community.”

Colouring contest winners will be randomly selected and announced on RAK Day. The deadline to submit an entry for the draw is 12 pm on Wednesday, February 15. To help generate conversation and action on RAK Day, the Victoria Foundation has created lists of ideas for children and adults that include:


  • Help with chores around the house.
  • Return someone’s cart at the grocery store.
  • Leave a kind letter in a library book.
  • Help build a bird feeder.
  • Leave happy notes around town.

  • Hold the door open for someone.
  • Raise or donate money to a local charity.
  • Phone a friend or relative you haven’t talked to in a while.
  • Leave a 5-star review for your favourite local business.



Random Acts of Kindness Day is this Friday, February 17. For more details, visit the Victoria Foundation’s website.