New Report Examines Victoria Today and in 2030

What will Victoria look like 10 years from now? Will we like what we see? How can we take advantage of opportunities – and deal with threats – to nudge ourselves towards the future we want for our community?

That’s the theme of the Victoria Foundation’s 2019 Victoria’s Vital Signs report released today.

Under the headline of “Vision 2030”, and with the help of three local experts, a six-page feature story within the report examines what path we’re on economically, environmentally, socially and culturally. Times Colonist editor and publisher Dave Obee, Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce CEO Catherine Holt, and Synergy Enterprises founder Jill Doucette each take their turns at predicting what the future has in store for our region.




For more, read or download the full report, or view the complete media release.