New book describes path from sorrow to serenity – sales to support foundation fund

The mother of The Victoria Foundation’s youngest fund-holder has published a book that will help support his fund.

Karen McCoy, a certified trainer and sports nutritionist, has just published One Rep at a Time, a memoir that includes her eight-week BLISSTM Body Makeover Program. One dollar from the sale of each book will go to the Tristan Graham Children’s Foundation, a fund set up by Karen’s son and managed by The Victoria Foundation.

Tristan Graham, who turned 16 in December, created his foundation in 2008 when he was 13. To date, he and his family and friends have raised close to $15,000 for the Victoria SPCA, much of it from their annual Walk a Mile in My Shoes event held each May in Sidney.

Karen McCoy and Tristan Graham

Tristan has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a terminal form of MD that keeps him wheelchair bound. In One Rep at a Time, Karen tells how his diagnosis caused her to fall apart physically and mentally – and how she found the strength to heal and see Tristan’s illness with fresh eyes.

“After struggling in this dark place for nearly 10 years, I emerged with fresh tools and a keen awareness of what real health and wellness means,” said Karen. “It is these lessons I now teach to other women throughout the world.”

And it’s these lessons that Karen describes in her new book. To promote it, she will be participating in the Victoria Wellness Show – Jan. 27 – 29 (including delivering a lecture Jan. 28 at 11:30 a.m.) and at the Vancouver Health and Wellness Show Feb. 17 – 19.

For more information about Karen McCoy, Tristan Graham and One Rep at a Time, check Karen’s website, McCoy

To donate to the Tristan Graham Children’s Foundation, go to the Victoria Foundation’s portal on CanadaHelps, click the “donate now” tab and select Tristan’s fund from the dropdown menu in the “fund/designation” box.