Help us Make it Happen!
We don’t think this will surprise you – local charities are doing some excellent work in our community.
Each year we receive grant applications for projects that reflect community needs identified in Victoria’s Vital Signs. Take a read through the Make it Happen! booklet to learn about the many exciting projects. From programs serving seniors and newcomers, to projects addressing food security, homelessness, environmental issues, arts and culture and more … the range is nothing short of amazing.
Volunteers and staff at these charities provide vital services and programming – and the Victoria Foundation is here to support them. This year, we have incorporated references to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals within each project summary. We hope this will demonstrate how, at the community level, we can focus on and coordinate our collective efforts to achieve these global priorities.
We know we say this every year – but it’s true – we have received more applications than ever before. Last year, together with our discretionary funds, support of Make it Happen! by individuals, private foundations, businesses, and service clubs allowed us to grant over $2.3 million in support of the projects.
We encourage you to consider supporting one or more of the community projects or leadership funds described in the Make it Happen! booklet. For more information, see our steps to Make it Happen! on the Grant Distribution Form. If you wish to make a contribution, please let us know by October 19. Your support through the Vital Victoria Pass-Through Fund will help us make it happen!
This is your chance to learn more about the needs and opportunities in the Capital Region and make a difference. As always, if you have any questions or want more information, please call our Philanthropic Services team Sara Neely, Natasha Benn or Melanie Porter at 250.381.5532.
Working together, we can strengthen the wellbeing of our community. Together, we’re better.