Happy National Philanthropy Day!
The Victoria Foundation is a proud sponsor of National Philanthropy Day on Vancouver Island, which takes place each year on November 15, 2021. It’s a time to recognize and celebrate the generosity of our community and to learn new skills to help enhance the philanthropic sector.
Giving Hearts Awards
To mark this day, the Association of Fundraising Professionals – Vancouver Island Chapter, awarded eight Giving Hearts Awards to deserving community members and groups for their outstanding acts of generosity. They also recognized the numerous heartfelt contributions of individuals, businesses, organizations, and community groups through the Giving Hearts Honour Roll.
Instead of hosting an in-person awards ceremony this year, award recipients were announced each week on CTV News Vancouver Island. Click the award categories and recipients below to view the clips.
Outstanding Youth Group in Philanthropy Giving Hearts Award: Victoria Admirals U13C2 Hockey Team
This group of 11 and 12-year-olds powered through COVID restrictions in hockey to show their community spirit and won $100,000 for the Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island.
Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy Giving Hearts Award: Taya Lee
Taya has a passion for volunteering, which led her to become the founder of a non-profit, student-run organization: School Helpers Tutoring Organization. She continues to direct the organization, which offers free online tutoring sessions to students across Canada.
Outstanding Community Group Giving Hearts Award: Moms Against Racism
Moms Against Racism has a mission to educate moms, and those in mothering roles, in anti-racism, cultural competence, and decolonization so they have the tools and support to dismantle racism within themselves, their families, and their communities.
Outstanding Corporate Responsibility Giving Hearts Award: Troy “T-Bone”
As the owner and founder of Status Barbershop, Victoria’s first multicultural barbershop, Troy is a passionate leader, educator, advocate, and all-around inspiring gentleman. He is actively involved in many local organizations and is a leader and ambassador for Victoria’s multi-cultural youth.
Outstanding Fundraising Professional Giving Hearts Award: Dree Thomson
Dree is an Advanced Certified Fund Raising Executive who specializes in charitable sector growth and capacity building. She brings a unique blend of academic and practical experience to her work, with emphasis on charitable sector planning, management, and fund development best practices.
Outstanding Fundraising Volunteer Giving Hearts Award: Michelle Mahovlich
Michelle is the Director of Engineering for the City of Langford. She also volunteers with the University of Victoria, Camosun College, and local school districts to increase the number of women students entering Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) studies.
Generosity of Spirit Giving Hearts Award: Carl and Sue Stovel
Carl and Sue have committed much of their lives to helping those challenged by mental illness, poverty, marginalization, and a lack of social supports in the community. They envision a world where everyone has a fair chance.
Honourary Feathered Philanthropist: Barney the West Coast Cockatoo
Barney the West Coast Cockatoo brings joy to millions of people each day on his popular Facebook page. Together with his human, Tim, he uses his platform to support the Greyhaven Sanctuary, other birds in need, and many children’s charities.
The outstanding acts of individuals, groups, and organizations were also recognized as part of the Giving Hearts Honour Roll presented by Coast Capital. Each recipient responded to the needs of our community in unique and generous ways. See the full list of recipients.
National Philanthropy Day Teachings
As part of this year’s offerings, The Discovery Group is hosting ‘Inspired Philanthropy Masterclass: IDEA Journey in Philanthropy’ on Tuesday, November 16th, 2021. This virtual event will showcase a panel of professionals who are fostering the principles of IDEA (inclusivity, diversity, equity and accessibility) in the community and philanthropic sector. Attendees will have opportunities for discussion and building their personal IDEA goals.
‘Coast Capital Power of Youth: Giving Heart Workshop’ is another National Philanthropy Day offering. Supported by the Andrew D. Beckerman Fund and the Viveka Foundation at the Victoria Foundation, this month-long do-it-yourself philanthropy workshop gave 306 youth under 25 an opportunity to learn about philanthropy and discover the ways in which they can use their time and talents to make a difference in their communities. Upon completion, participants received a $50 CanadaHelps Gift Card to give to a charity of their choice, which resulted in a total of $15,300.