Every Step Counts marks 2nd Anniversary with TC 10K
February 22, 2011, Victoria, BC – For over two years, Every Step Counts, a unique running program founded by the Victoria Foundation and hosted at the Victoria Cool Aid Society, has been helping people grow health, confidence and community participation. Established as an opportunity for individuals who have experienced challenges with addiction, mental health, poverty, homelessness and other social issues, the program provides an opportunity to connect and take part in physical exercise. Since 2008, 42 runners have also moved on to educational programs and employment.
On Tuesday, February 22, Every Step Counts is holding a private TC 10K Rally with participants and runners from the Victoria Foundation and Cool Aid. The event will serve to celebrate two years of the program’s success as well as kick-off the 75th Anniversary running team of the Victoria Foundation. Local VIPs coming out to support the Victoria Foundation – Every Step Counts TC 10K running teams include:
- Dr. Keith Martin, MP
- Jacqui Sanderson, TC 10K Race Director
Members of the public who would like to join the Victoria Foundation team and support Every Step Counts are invited to sign up online www.tc10k.ca/registration or call the Foundation at 250-381-5532.
Total individual runs have reached 5,000 by over 200 participants as Every Step Counts enters its third year. The program adds value to the runs through additional activities such as nutritious post-run snacks, nurse visits and monthly wellness talks.
This year the Victoria Foundation celebrates its 75th anniversary. Since 1936 the generosity and commitment of donors has enabled the Victoria Foundation to fulfill its vision of connecting people who care with causes that matter®. The connections that the Foundation has with the charitable sector make us the go to resource centre for community philanthropy and they allow us to respond to the needs in our community through leadership, stewardship and granting.
The Victoria Cool Aid Society has been building hope, lives and community in the Capital Region for over 42 years, since 1968, through a wide range of programs including supported housing, emergency shelter, community health and dental services, employment services, mental health support and recreation and exercise programs for adults who are homeless or in need of help. For more information visit www.CoolAid.org or call 250-383-1977.
For more information, please visit:
www.CoolAid.org/esc and www.75yearsandcounting.ca
Media Contacts:
Shannon Drew-Burrows
Director of Communications
The Victoria Foundation
250-381-5532 or shannon@victoriafoundation.bc.ca
Gillie Easdon
Program Coordinator
Every Step Counts
250-882-5261 or geasdon@CoolAid.org