Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria
Program: Youth Program Quality Initiative (YPQI)
Vital Sign: Belonging & Engagement
Total Grant: $32,985.50 ($3,794.50 from donor contributions)
High quality programs have been shown to have direct, positive benefits at all levels of an organization and produce more engaged, resilient youth. The YPQI is a continuous quality improvement initiative that supports youth-serving agencies in Greater Victoria to assess, plan and improve the level of staffing and program quality. In order to build local capacity and develop regional sustainability, there is a need to train local facilitators and coaches to work with youth-serving organizations over the next 5+ years; this grant to the Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria will help to support this development. The impact of this work will be amplified year over year. In 2014, 24 organizations + 100 staff trained in YPQI = 1,200 youth engaged.