Over $721,000 is supporting 17 collaborative projects addressing complex challenges

A record amount of funding is being distributed through the Collaboration Stream of the Victoria Foundation’s Community Grants Program. $721,318 is supporting 17 non-profit and charitable collaborations in the capital region. This funding will help meet the growing need for resources in the philanthropic sector and will help organizations work together to address solutions to the complex challenges facing the region.

The Victoria Foundation works closely with generous donors in our community to provide funding for the program. The funding is made up of discretionary endowed funds, the Foundation’s Community Action Funds, and $270,000 in one-time funding from the Government of British Columbia through the Community Prosperity Fund, an investment totaling $25 million for the province’s non-profit sector.

The 2024 Collaboration Grant Stream is supporting two grant sub-streams reflecting the evolving ways community organizations are looking to work together to address collective goals:

  1. Collaborative Practice Innovation grants were developed in response to the growing number of collaboratives that are focused on strengthening sector and organizational effectiveness through strategic collaboration.
  2. Collaborating for Systems Change grants continue to focus on efforts to disrupt the status quo and shift the conditions that hold a complex community problem in place by addressing underlying root causes.

Grant recipients were chosen with an emphasis on an equitable distribution across the region’s geography and equity-deserving populations, while prioritizing organizations working on key Vital Signs issue areas.

2024 Collaboration Stream Grant Recipients

The Victoria Foundation is broad in scope and provides supports across the non-profit sector including the arts, environment, food security, housing/ homelessness, health, youth engagement, and more. Explore the table below to view the wide range of organizations, supported by the Community Grants Program Vital Stream, that are responding directly to needs in the community.

How to use the distribution table:

  1. You can search multiple criteria in the table below by entering keywords into the search bar.
  2. You can use the toggle arrows at the top of each column to sort by that field.
  3. You can click the ‘previous’ and ‘next’ buttons at the bottom of the table to navigate between pages to view the full 252 entries.

*Funded by the Government of BC’s Community Prosperity Fund

Organization (Qualified Donee) Organization Request Details Vital Signs Issue Area Funded by the Community Prosperity Fund* Funded Amount
Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region Prevention Collaborative: A Resource Guide for the Capital Region Housing $ 40,000.00
Bayanihan Cultural And Housing Society ASIA in Victoria- ASEAN + 3 Societies In Action Belonging & Engagement YES $ 43,490.00
BGC South Vancouver Island [The Village] From Collaboration to Regional Consolidation Getting Started in our Community YES $ 60,000.00
Fernwood NRG [Coalition of Neighbourhoood Houses] Advancing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Greater Victoria Belonging & Engagement YES $ 40,000.00
Flourish! School Food Society [Esquimalt Food Distribution Centre] Collaboration Grant Health & Wellness $ 15,000.00
Gorge Waterway Action Society Ocean Education Collaborative Environmental Sustainability $ 62,597.32
Habitat Acquisition Trust XAXE ÁLE?ENE? EQÁTEL T?E MEQ “Sacred Homeland in Relationship to All” A Collaborative Conservation Partnership Initiative Environmental Sustainability $ 53,731.00
Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria ReIgnite the Youth Service Providers’ Network (YSPN) – Phase 2 Belonging & Engagement $ 15,000.00
Mayne Island Conservancy Society Building Inter-Island Collaboration for Nature Stewardship and Protection Environmental Sustainability $ 20,000.00
Mental Health Recovery Partners Society South Vancouver Island Lived Experience Professional Network Health & Wellness YES $ 50,000.00
OneAbility OneAbility Collective Network Health & Wellness YES $ 45,000.00
Physical Literacy for Life Wellness Through Community Connections: Engaging Newcomers via Physical Activity Health & Wellness $ 42,000.00
Soap for Hope Canada C10 – Intentional Collaboration with 10 Non-Profits Belonging & Engagement $ 12,500.00
Transition Salt Spring Society Advancing Collaborative Climate Action on Salt Spring Island Environmental Sustainability $ 42,000.00
Victoria Community Food Hub Society Good Food Network Collective Impact Initiative Health & Wellness YES $ 70,000.00
Victoria Compost and Conservation Education Society Integrated Food Systems Education in Schools Learning $ 70,000.00
Victoria Literacy Connection Working Together to Raise Literacy Capacity Levels on Southern Vancouver Island Getting Started in our Community $ 40,000.00

About the Community Grants Program

The Community Grants Program supports local organizations across the sector with flexible, general operating funds to meet immediate needs and build long-term resilience for non-profits working in the capital region. It is built on Trust-Based Philanthropy principles to center relationships, prioritize equity-deserving groups and increase accessibility overall. Funding is prioritized based on our Vital Signs issue areas as well as for equity-deserving groups.

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